About Mr Chitnavis

I am a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon based in Cambridge, England.

My practice is dedicated to managing knee problems in both adults and children.

I  work independently, through The Cambridge Knee Clinic, having previously worked for the NHS for 25 years.

All orthopaedic work from first consultation to any surgery required and subsequent follow-up is undertaken by myself.

However, I cannot function without the skills of a wonderful, hand-picked team.

Any required operations on my patients are performed by me at either The Spire or The Nuffield Hospitals in Cambridge, with the assistance of specially trained staff. My anaesthetists are highly experienced Consultants, from Papworth Hospital, with whom I have worked for over 10 years.

I hold outpatient clinics at The Nuffield or Spire Hospitals every week. Nuffield Clinics on Monday mornings. Spire Clinics on Thursday afternoons and Wednesday evenings.

Scans of knees are reviewed by  specialist radiologists from Cambridge and London. Physiotherapy is provided by a network of known practitioners.

The Cambridge Knee Clinic has an independent office run by a dedicated medical secretary. We are always contactable.

Testimonials (unsolicited) from satisfied patients are available upon request. No surgeon escapes complications and a list of these is also available upon request.

I am subject to annual appraisal of my performance as a practising surgeon. Both overt and covert assessment of a surgeon’s outcomes is undertaken on practitioners. Data relevant to me is available on portals such as the National Joint Registry (UK) (https://www.njrcentre.org.uk/) and The Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN, https://www.phin.org.uk/)


From 2002 to 2010, I was a Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge where my very busy practice was dedicated to knee surgery.
The creation of The Cambridge Knee Clinic in 2010 enhanced my ability to provide a more organised, personal and continuous service for patients.


My training over the last forty years has been an on-going journey involving periods in Cambridge, London, Oxford and Sydney under the supervision of some outstanding mentors in whose debt I will always remain.

In 2001 I spent a year as Fellow in Knee Surgery and Sports Medicine to the late Dr. Merv Cross in Sydney, Australia. During the Fellowship, I worked as surgical assistant to Dr. Leo Pinczewski, mastering techniques of ligament reconstruction. I was doctor to a rugby league team in Sydney.

Prior to my Fellowship, six years were spent in Orthopaedic training in Oxford. During my time there, I completed award-winning research culminating in a Master of Surgery Thesis on osteoarthritis of the hip and knee.

I began as an undergraduate in Medical Sciences at Christ’s College, Cambridge in 1982, prior to undertaking clinical training in Westminster, Charing Cross and surrounding Hospitals in the London area.

Despite being in medicine for four decades, I am still learning. There will always be scope for improvement and innovation in surgery.

Teaching, Education and Research

I am Senior Demonstrator in Anatomy at The University of Cambridge and Supervisor in Anatomy at Trinity Hall. My remit includes learning and teaching anatomy and embryology to undergraduates and surgical trainees.

At The Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, at Cambridge University, I  have undertaken and supervised research projects for third year undergraduates for many years.

I am an Instructor on Surgical Skills Courses run by the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

In addition, I am a Fellow in Medicine at Trinity Hall, a college at The University of Cambridge, where my remit includes selecting and supervising chosen medical students.

Medico-legal Practice

Please see  http://CambridgeOrthopaedicMedicolegal.com

I have been writing medico-legal reports for 30 years.

I was awarded the Expert Witness Certificate of Cardiff University for medico-legal report writing in 2020.


I am on the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council (No. 3352054) and I undergo annual appraisal and regular revalidation. I am also a member of

The British Association for Surgery of the Knee (BASK),

The International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS),

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons AAOS,

The British Orthopaedic Association (BOA),

The Royal College of Surgeons of England,

The Girdlestone Orthopaedic Society (Oxford).

I am Staff Fellow in Medicine,  Trinity Hall, Cambridge.

In addition, I have served as a reviewer for publications submitted to The Bone and Joint Journal and an assessor for Fellowship applications sent to The Royal College of Surgeons of England. A compilation of some of the published work I have contributed to is attached.

I am a former Cambridge Secretary of the Cambridge Medical Graduates’ Society.


Jai Chitnavis L.M.S.S.A. (London) 1988
B.Chir (Cambridge) 1988
M.B. (Cambridge) 1989
M.A. (Cambridge) 1991
F.R.C.S. (England) 1993
F.R.C.S. (Edinburgh) 1993
M.Chir (Cambridge) 2000
FRCS (Tr & Orth) (England) 2001
Advanced Trauma Life Support 2012

Cardiff University Expert Witness Certificate 2020